Claims Resolved Faster
In the vocational services world, companies are often perceived as being on the side of the employer or the disabled worker. Catalyst’s distinction is in finding genuine return to work solutions to help disabled workers overcome the emotional as well as the physical barriers that prevent return to work efforts from succeeding.
Catalyst RTW works nationally through a high-tech and hands-on approach. We frequently collaborate with local and national vocational companies for on-site services as needed. We serve our customers – insurance carriers, self insureds, TPAs and other vocational service companies – by helping injured and disabled workers find the meaning and satisfaction of being a productive member of the workplace.
Useful Work
People who have suffered injuries or disabling conditions often come to identify themselves by what they can’t do, rather than what they can do. Catalyst RTW provides the unique combination of motivation, opportunity and support to help overcome barriers to employment. We have successfully assisted injured workers return to gainful employment in more than 30 states.
Reduced Cost
By achieving a genuine return to work solutions, through light duty work or a new position, we provide cost-effective solutions. With our proven return to work programs, we’ve provided significant benefits to both employers and employees. We’ve been acknowledged as saving our customers millions of dollars by resolving the most challenging cases.
Effective Resolution
Participants are employees of record for a new employer from day one. A limited carrier-funded subsidy period allows a supported transition to develop good work habits and new skills. Accommodations, including flex-time, can be made for virtually any restriction.
Our uniquely effective Return to Work program provides genuine home-based employment opportunities for those cases where:
- Past return to work efforts have failed
- Physical restrictions are very limiting
- The injured worker is unsure about their ability to return to work
- The injured worker lives in a poor labor market or very rural area

Cost Benefit Analyzer

Workers’ Compensation Case Study & Analysis
Intended only as a guide to determine whether a case merits a referral to Catalyst RTW® for a genuine return to work solution.